Snow Buddy
Snow is falling, oh what glee!
I’ll take my snow buddy out with me.
Outside I call to my Ruby!
Bolting cheerfully she meets me!
On with the plaid coat
Slide on the fleece snood
Preparation for play
A must I say
Leaps and bounds, front paws to the ground
Haunches upward to the sky
Twisting, turning to and fro
Circle tracks all in the snow
Strutting up and down the street
Wagging her tail at strangers she meets
Burying her nose deep in the snow
To sniff the smells on the ground below
Looking at me she doesn’t know
That on her nose there’s a puff of snow
Her demeanor fills me with such delight
Joy and happiness floods my soul
My snow buddy is so sweet
She prances around my soiled feet
Skipping the steps up to the porch
She runs and jumps with a flying leap
Back inside she waits for me
I’ll slip her a biscuit a special treat
She slides back to her blanketed bed
To dream of her adventures in her head
Till next time when she hears the word
Outside snow buddy, just you and me!
Written By: Ashley Lake
Inspired By: Ruby (at the Bridge)
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