Friday, December 31, 2010

Beware sprain

 Many of us may often dislocate or sprain while playing soccer or other sports perhaps. Sprain or dislocate itself is a stretch injury (strain) or tears in the muscles, tendons or ligaments.
 Ankle sprain on one of these types of injuries are most frequent and common in sports. Most foot sprain occurs when your foot suddenly transformed into the (inversion) or out (aversion) when you walk, stumble, fall, or touch the ground after the jump. Sprained wrist can also be caused by lifting too heavy a way that is not true or repetitive movement of muscles and tendons. Muscle sprain will experience pain, swelling, bruising, and difficult to move. Sometimes you will also feel the tears when an injury occurs. But these signs can vary depending on the intensity of the sprain itself.
 1. Rest
The period of the first 24-48 hours after injury are critical period so you should limit your activity. Try not to move or put pressure on the affected joint. Often the use of the sling (sling), bandage or crutch needed to rest his injured body part.

2. Ice
In the first 48 hours post-injury, attach a bag of ice on the sprain for 20 minutes every 3-4 hours. Do not put ice for more than 20 minutes at a time because it can cause tissue damage.

3. Compression
Use a bandage to wrap a sprained limbs. Wrap should be strong but still comfortable and not cut off the circulation to the limb. If your fingers or toes become cold, blue, or tingling, you need to remove the bandage and re-bandaged.
4. Elevate
Pick a sprained limbs exceeding the height of your heart, if possible. You can do this by lying down and placing pillows under the arm or leg injury.
In addition to the four steps above, you can take pain medication to treat pain. Your doctor may prescribe stronger analgesics for severe pain. After symptoms subside, light exercise can be done to restore strength and mobility. For cases of severe sprain, surgery may be needed to repair a torn ligament or muscle.


The following steps can help you reduce the risk of sprain or sprain:

1. Warm up before exercise or strenuous activity.

2. Wear protective or elastic bandage joints during physical activity is strong.

3. Do stretching exercises regularly to maintain strength and flexibility of the muscles and joints.

4. Apply a healthy and balanced diet to keep muscles strong and maintaining an ideal weight.

5. Use safety measures to prevent falls (for example, make sure the ladders, walkways, yard and driveway free of objects which can create slippery slip).

6. Wear shoes that fit. Replace the soles of sports shoes are worn in use so uneven.

7. Avoid sports or activities when tired or sick.

8. Always choose to walk on a flat surface.


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