September 26, 2002 - August 15, 2010
We are saddened to report that yet another member of the FFGR, Inc. family has lost one of their beloved greyhounds. We received word from Nancy Benny informing us that she and Mark lost one of their greyhounds Zoe.
Zoe was adopted by Mark and Nancy in June of 2006. We had first placed Zoe in a home with a retired couple. What we didn't know is that they babysat for their grandchildren who were very small and active. One of the grandchildren jumped on the bed where Zoe was sleeping and woke her up in a start and she snapped at the child. Zoe was returned immediately.
Mark and Nancy were looking for a second greyhound and met Zoe at the Walk-n-Wag in Frederick. They fell in love with her and called us later to ask if they could adopt her. We said "YES!"
Mark and Nancy were one of the very first families that adopted from us when we first started our group. They have adopted four dogs altogether from us. They are very special people. They have always been our most loyal volunteers and family members since the beginning. They have been to so many of our events and have constantly been there when we asked them for help. They are salt of the earth people.
They love their greyhounds and we know that they are the best of the best. Zoe started limping this past week and went dowhill very quickly. A trip to a specialist revealed in an x-ray that she had a shadow along her spine and near her rectum that was probably cancerous. Within a short period of time she could not walk. Mark and Nancy made the painful decision to let her go.
They are sad to have lost Zoe and we mourn with them. But we know that these people are the type of people who love and cherish and care deeply for their greyhounds. Nancy's mom has adopted a greyhound from our group too. Zoe had the most wonderful home - the type of home we hope to find for every greyhound we place.
Mark and Nancy are coming to Dewey this year and I told them about our FFGR get together. I think if you have not met them you are certainly in for a wonderful experience. We love them and know that Zoe is romping at the Rainbow Bridge looking for all the others and happy to be waiting for her wonderful family to join her.
Godspeed Zoe; know that you were greatly loved.
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