April 1, 2007 - July 2, 2010
There are times when it's harder than other times to face the fact that a greyhound has passed on. While we know that as dogs get older we will eventually have to think about them leaving us, the loss of a very young dog hits us all the hardest. This is one of those times. Rhonda and Dave have lost their greyhound, Chatty, suddenly and unexpectedly.
Chatty was a young girl when she came into our group. We brought her here for a couple who returned her for a number of issues (and which we all ageed on who knew this, that the issue was not with Chatty). Rhonda and Dave were looking for another greyhound at that time and they decided to foster Chatty. The rest is history.
What makes this so awful is that Chatty was only three years old (she was three years old on April 1). Chatty was a representative at Rhonda's meet and greet each month at the Chambersburg Petsmart. She was also Dave's traveling companion. She went with him on all of his long distance drives and loved the drive and meeting new people. She was a unique dog; she was full of personality; everyone who met her really loved her and all of us always had to laugh at her exploits. She was happy and energetic, so much still a puppy. She knew her limits with dogs bothering her and stood her ground when she needed to but was so good with Rhonda's daughter Nicole and she loved her family. She never stopped trying to chase the cat!
Chatty and Cassey (Rhonda's other greyhound) were with Rhonda and Dave at Grapehounds in Virginia recenly. Chatty spent time in the x-pen with the other hounds during our event and they had a great time.
We know how terrible this has been for Rhonda and Dave. No one can ever prepare for this type of heartbreak. Rhonda has been hosting meet and greets for our group for almost as long as we have had the group! She was always there when we needed her and no matter what happened in her life, she always found a way to be at her meet and greets.
She rescheduled many of her meet and greets when her daughter, Nicole, had serious medical problems and faced surgery and many doctor visits over many months. But Rhonda never missed a month. She also rescheduled her meet and greet events when her mother had heart surgery. She has never missed a month. She has always been there.
We can only imagine how hard it must be to lose a young dog so suddenly without explanation.
Godspeed Chatty. You have been loved by many.
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