WV's Precious - Shasha
10/28/1999 - 3/13/2010
It's with great sadness that we report that another one of our first adopters (after we established our group), Sean and Lisa Feeley, called to tell us that their hound Sasha went to the Rainbow Bridge this past weekend. Sasha is a special story. She was the sixth dog our group brought in when we started in 2005. What made her so unusual is her age. She was born October 28, 1999 and when we got her she was ready to turn six years old. She had a long racing career. When we picked her up, the man who turned her over to us said, "By the way, she doesn't have many teeth!" When we looked in her mouth most of her teeth were missing. We were not sure that we would ever be able to find her a home. An older dog with few teeth wouldn't be very popular with most of the people we were meeting!
Sean and Lisa came to one of our meet and greet events and then turned in their application to adopt. We processed their application and did the home visit and then told them about Precious. They took a few minutes to decide and agreed that she should become part of their family!!!! They adopted her the same week that she turned six!
All these years they have had her as part of their family. She did fine with the teeth she had left and it didn't seem to bother her at all! In the recent past she lost what few teeth she had left (except her canines). She had a wonderful home with the Feeleys and they loved her very very much. We heard from them often and it always made us feel good to know such good people.
Shasha had a wonderful home with lots of love from the whole family. I know they will all miss her very much.
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