Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sleep Micro, Threat To Motorists

Sleep Micro, Threat To Motorists

The incidence of traffic accidents each year is increasing. Millions of men, women, children and elderly people who died or permanent disability due to traffic accidents. This makes traffic accident into a frightening specter for the rider. In fact, it is estimated every two minutes a traffic accident that caused deaths worldwide.

There are so many factors that cause traffic accidents. Usually is a reckless driver or the condition of vehicles that do not fit but still forced to use long trips. There is also a major cause of driver sleepiness is to sleep for a moment what we call the micro sleep. Micro sleep is sleep that occurs only lasted a split second to thirty seconds.

Although only a moment, very dangerous micro sleep occurs in situations where the required high concentration and alertness, such as when riding a motorcycle or car. People who fall asleep micro not realize that he was asleep or lose concentration sesaat.Pengemudi still feel control his car and then realized afterwards that a few seconds passed without awareness. The number of incidents that allegedly caused the accident ever occurred when the driver fell asleep on the highway mengandarai a monotonous and usually at night.

Micro sleep is a spontaneous reaction of the body caused by lack of sleep, physical and mental fatigue, depression, hypoxia, narcolepsy, or hypersomnia. Harmful micro sleep because of the unpredictability Eden can happen anytime. However, usually preceded micro sleeping sleepy very severe symptoms such as:

- Often made a mistake. When driving, speed is often not regular, either take the path, etc..
- Head nodding often / droop
- Heavy eyelids, intermittently close one or both eyes
- Headache
- Yawning
- Feeling tired

To avoid or reduce the risk of danger micro sleep, here are some tips for you:

- Use every opportunity to rest when the body has reached the limits of perceived fatigue. Take a break every 2-5 hours drive to refresh your body. Occasionally open the windows for fresh air and listening to music to accompany your journey. Coffee and stimulant drinks can also be used to refresh you. But the alert because of the above can only be postponed. It is the most appropriate is to eliminate the rest elbow drowsiness.

- As penegmudi you will be hard to know the symptoms themselves. If you are not alone then make sure the person next to you watching awareness and assist you with chat invites for your konsentraasi stay awake. When you look tired, then the companion must be asked to pause to recover the driver. You better achieve the goal with more time than an accident due to negligence of the driver.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Early breastfeeding initiation: Program For New Born Baby

Early breastfeeding initiation: Program For New Born Baby

Some of you may have heard the benefits of breastfeeding, even when the government began to re-promote breast feeding programs in newborn infants, even when these have been developed and started to be socialized starting from 2006 that is Inisasi Early breastfeeding (IMD), both to the midwives and other health practitioners who practice to assist delivery. You are interested to know more about this program? Please follow this article completely.
ASI has a meaning that is much better than formula feeding

Any particular reason why the author did not add the suffix-i in the word "breastfeeding" this is addressed to the newborn baby itself is not to the mother who had just given birth to her immediately give milk to their babies. The point here is how to stimulate a natural thing for the newborn to suckle immediately by itself, as occurred in animals that immediately look for his mother's nipple to get food, it turns out this natural instinct may also occur in newborn human infants.
IMD program, according to Indonesia's health department can reduce infant mortality by 22%, how important this program, therefore it is for those who decide to have children, are encouraged to try this IMD program.

As for the steps that can be performed on the IMD program is:

1. In a normal delivery or through the vagina, the baby as soon as possible who have done cutting the umbilical cord is dried as needed, the intention here is not clear amniotic fluid baker layer attached to the baby but just dry the skin without doing pengelapan the palms of the baby.

2. Put this baby in the mother's chest immediately, exactly between the two breasts mother who has prepared for those breastfed by the baby. Here the warmth of the mother's body is the temperature that is ideal for the baby. This is where started to happen a close emotional relationship between mother and baby.

Placing the newborn between the two breast is the beginning of the IMD

3. Let both hands the baby to find its own mother's nipple as the baby is a natural instinct to immediately look for food after a few months in the womb only get food from the umbilical cord in the womb.

4. When the baby's hands began to touch the breast nipple, so when this will occur naturally in the body of the mother to produce milk-producing hormone.

The hand that touches the baby's mother's nipple during IMD

5. Baby's hand had touched the nipple will lead the baby to enter the nipple into his mouth and will be doing is feeding itself.
Interesting is not it? If you are interested to run the IMD program, make sure before you give birth you conduct consultations prior to your birth attendant good obstetrician or midwife who will assist you. For those of you who will perform deliveries via cesarean section operation, this method can still run when you use the technique of local anesthesia through the spine, but some opinion is that the IMD technique in cesarean section deliveries can only run about 50%.


1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1524741/

2. http://www.scribd.com/doc/11507844/Inisiasi-Menyusu-Dini-Dan-Asi-Perannya-Menurunkan-Kematian-Bayi-Dan-Anak24-Jan-08

3. http://repository.usu.ac.id/bitstream/123456789/21189/5/Chapter I.pdf

4. http://digilib.unimus.ac.id/files/disk1/113/jtptunimus-gdl-diyahwidya-5613-2-babi.pdf

5. http://www.aafp.org/afp/2001/0915/p981.html