Our group will be hosting a special and unique three-day meet and greet event at the grand opening of the new Petco, located in Frederick, Maryland. FFGR, Inc. volunteers will be on hand throughout the time to introduce the public to our greyhounds and to talk about greyhound adoption. The three day event will run from Friday, December 3, to Sunday, December 5. At times when volunteers will not be present, there will be a permanent display for people to read about our group and to pick up literature about greyhound adoption.
We congratulate Petco on their new store and are looking forward to working at this store in the coming year to find greyt homes for greyhounds! For more information on exact times when our volunteers will be present along with available hounds (as well as directions to the new Petco), click on the title of this post to access our calendar of events.
See you there!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Rainbow Bridge - Tyville Moondog (Magic)
Published :
8:00 AM
Author :
healthy of body

November 19, 2000 - November 26, 2010
We are heartbroken to report that we had to let Magic go to the Rainbow Bridge the day after Thanksgiving. In the previous two weeks, the cancerous tumor on his nose (that had been diagnosed months ago) seemed to take on a life of its own. It seemed to grow a little more each day. He also started pawing at it at times. He started licking around his mouth and swallowing and when we checked inside his mouth, we saw some blood. It looked like the tumor was getting ready to burst (if it hadn’t already started). We decided that we could not let this get any worse.
This has been a particularly bittersweet journey for us. It was about watching Magic’s tumor grow, knowing that, otherwise, he was a very healthy dog. He came to us with a small lump that eventually was diagnosed as a slow moving cancer. The tumor was too involved with the blood vessels in his nose to do surgery without the risk of him bleeding out. The tumor would not have gone away but would have returned eventually. Radiation would have held that back for a short time, but it was expensive and would only serve to hold back the advancement of the cancer, not stop it. He was nine years old and we could not see putting him through that.
Magic was a grade A racer in Iowa. He even fathered a few pups that raced. He was adopted in Iowa and his family eventually moved to Ohio. There, he was turned into a group (good people we know) when he bit a child for falling on him. It certainly was not his fault, but we know how these things go. We helped the group in Ohio when they found themselves overwhelmed with senior returns. In January we brought in Magic along with Sheba and Shadow. Of course, we know that Sheba and Shadow found the perfect home! But we knew when Magic was diagnosed with cancer that it was going to be next to impossible to find him a home. So he stayed here with us and we loved him dearly.
Magic never came close to biting anyone or anything here. He was the most gentle and loving creature. Magic loved to run. He ran like the wind in our field. We could always see the good racer in him. We know that he is running like the wind at the bridge with no tumors or limitations. He was a very big dog, a gentle giant, and his presence will be missed here in so many ways.
Rest in peace our wonderful boy.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Top 5 Fall-Winter 2010-2011 Nail Colors
Published :
8:12 AM
Author :
healthy of body
Favored by designers such as Sonia Rykiel black nails return for this season. To avoid returning into a total Rock babe, wear dark nails with school pieces like pleated skirts or oxford heels.

Fall style
When leaves change their color to chestnut and scarlet, why not do the same thing? At Bill Blass, models wore polish in a deep burnt rust, the perfect fall shade.

A perfected red
Instead of a cherry red, choose a sophisticated crimson polish in winter. As demonstrated at Derek Lam’s show, the alluring shade goes well with fall’s lace and tweed styles.

Pretty in deep pink
A pink nail polish made waves at Tracy Reese’s autumn show. Perfect for romantik dinner, a sheer polish offers a hint of pink without seeming too well-behaved.
Blue is autumn’s new neon
Backstage at a fashion week there was nary a neon nail to be found. Instead, inky midnight hues graced models’ fingertips, as we see at Paul & Joe.
Published :
6:13 AM
Author :
healthy of body

We would like to wish all of our Fast Friends Greyhound Rescue, Inc. family a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving! When we count our blessings, we are grateful beyond words for the wonderful people who are a part of our family. We are especially grateful for the exceptional volunteers who have all been with us for as long as our group has been in business. Your continued support and hours spent working on behalf of the hounds has made us what we are.
Thanks to all of those adopters who understand the commitment to their dogs and for loving and caring for them. You give us the strength and desire to keep going.
Enjoy your day!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Holiday Reminder - Open Door Training
Published :
4:22 AM
Author :
healthy of body
Now that the holidays are upon us, we think it's a good opportunity to call attention to the fact that this is the time of year when we experience the most calls about loose dogs. With a little planning and thinking ahead, you can enjoy that turkey and spend time with your family and not have to take time out of your holidays to look for a lost dog. Make sure all doors are closed properly when guests come to your home. Also, it's important to remind guests to be aware of the fact that a greyhound lives in the house. It seems as though every holiday we get calls about dogs escaping out of doors when they have accidentally been left open or they get through open doors when guests arrive and take off their coats at the door. It only takes a small opening in a door for a greyhound to get through because of their thin bodies.
Start to plan now for what you will do to keep your holidays happy and your hound safe. When we had our four greyhounds years ago, we worked with them all and trained them to "wait" at the door until we said "let's go." Everyone understood the commands and listened well. At the time we didn't have a fenced in yard so we couldn't afford to have our dogs get loose where we live in a rural area and on the side of a mountian. But now that we have so many dogs here, that kind of training is hard to do and many of the dogs are not here long enough to train. We do practice the "wait" command at the door before it's opened so we cut down on the chaos involved with a lot of dogs running out the door at the same time. We also back that up with the word "easy". No one goes outside until everyone is settled down and there is no bouncing around or whining.
Start now to think of what you can do to prevent your hound from accidentally getting out of a door. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Use a baby gate at the door and keep it propped up until you have your hound(s) secure. Then you can take the gate down, let guests in and then put the gate back in place. This will also work if you have a porch or deck that guests access to get to your front door. Place a gate across the porch/deck opening so that if your hound does get out of the door, he/she can only go so far.
2. Keep a leash next to the door and when guests arrive, leash your hound. This gets hard to do if you have lots of guests and lots of hounds!
3. Put an extra latch on your door so that you will have to go through more work to get a door open. This is a good reminder that you have to do something with your hound!
4. Make a sign for your door that warns guests that you have a greyhound inside the house and to be very careful when opening the door. Keep the door locked so that you have to answer it and guests can't walk in on their own.
4. To be perfectly safe, crate or baby gate your hound in another room while guests are arriving. Some people will even kennel their dog during large family gatherings; although not possible for some, it does guarantee that the greyhound will be safe.
5. Review the Lost Dog link we have posted on the Greytlinks page of our web site. You can print one Lost Dog flyer with your hound's photo and your phone number. Keep it handy and hope you will never have to use it. Keep all important phone numbers handy as well in case your hound escapes. It will get you help that much faster having the important information out in case you need it.
We hope that none of our hounds get out the door this holiday period; we hope that everyone will have a safe and happy holiday season and not have to feel the panic of searching for a beloved hound that escaped out of a door.
Start to plan now for what you will do to keep your holidays happy and your hound safe. When we had our four greyhounds years ago, we worked with them all and trained them to "wait" at the door until we said "let's go." Everyone understood the commands and listened well. At the time we didn't have a fenced in yard so we couldn't afford to have our dogs get loose where we live in a rural area and on the side of a mountian. But now that we have so many dogs here, that kind of training is hard to do and many of the dogs are not here long enough to train. We do practice the "wait" command at the door before it's opened so we cut down on the chaos involved with a lot of dogs running out the door at the same time. We also back that up with the word "easy". No one goes outside until everyone is settled down and there is no bouncing around or whining.
Start now to think of what you can do to prevent your hound from accidentally getting out of a door. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Use a baby gate at the door and keep it propped up until you have your hound(s) secure. Then you can take the gate down, let guests in and then put the gate back in place. This will also work if you have a porch or deck that guests access to get to your front door. Place a gate across the porch/deck opening so that if your hound does get out of the door, he/she can only go so far.
2. Keep a leash next to the door and when guests arrive, leash your hound. This gets hard to do if you have lots of guests and lots of hounds!
3. Put an extra latch on your door so that you will have to go through more work to get a door open. This is a good reminder that you have to do something with your hound!
4. Make a sign for your door that warns guests that you have a greyhound inside the house and to be very careful when opening the door. Keep the door locked so that you have to answer it and guests can't walk in on their own.
4. To be perfectly safe, crate or baby gate your hound in another room while guests are arriving. Some people will even kennel their dog during large family gatherings; although not possible for some, it does guarantee that the greyhound will be safe.
5. Review the Lost Dog link we have posted on the Greytlinks page of our web site. You can print one Lost Dog flyer with your hound's photo and your phone number. Keep it handy and hope you will never have to use it. Keep all important phone numbers handy as well in case your hound escapes. It will get you help that much faster having the important information out in case you need it.
We hope that none of our hounds get out the door this holiday period; we hope that everyone will have a safe and happy holiday season and not have to feel the panic of searching for a beloved hound that escaped out of a door.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Rainbow Bridge - FTK Trouble (Trouble)
Published :
6:29 AM
Author :
healthy of body

October 29, 2002 - November 5, 2010
We are sad to report that another wonderful greyhound has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We got notice from Jason Grove that he lost his best friend after a short illness. Jason adopted Trouble from our group in January 2006; he and Trouble became frequent visitors to our meet and greet events. Everyone loved seeing Trouble because he was truly an exceptional greyhound. He was loving and sweet and was one of the most gentle natured greyhounds we've ever met. He was also strikingly handsome with a shiny dark brindle coat and eyes that danced. He was a scene stealer!
We know that Jason is devastated over the loss of Trouble. We will all miss this sweet boy so much! We know that Trouble is flying with angel wings at the bridge!
Rainbow Bridge - R Raisinaruckus (Washington)
Published :
6:20 AM
Author :
healthy of body

February 13, 1999 - October 2010
Washington is the call name of R Raisinaruckus. Washington got his call name because he was born on George Washington's birthday. He was an awesome racer for many years and then was used as a stud at the Roban Kennels farm in Florida where his owners took good care of him. They decided, at the age of eleven, that perhaps he would like to have a soft couch to sleep on and a nice home to spend the rest of his retirement years. They thought he might like having a person to call his own. Our group offered to take Washington. They had him neutered for us.
The problem, as always, was how to get Washington from Florida to Maryland. We tried on numerous occasions to find a way for Washington to get to us. We didn't want to put him on a hauler because of his age. And Greyhounds Reach the Beach was coming up and that kept us very busy.
While Washington was waiting on us, he started going downhill. He lost the ability to get up and get around. They decided at the farm that he was not well enough to travel. This was just at the time that we found a ride north for him. Washington is now at the bridge. He never made it here and never found that couch. We have to say that he touched us deeply when we saw his photo. We felt that if he did not find a home anywhere else, he could stay at the Ballweber house for as long as he had left in his life.
Perhaps this was for the best. It would have been a tragedy to have him die on the way to Maryland or get sick on arrival. He only knew the people at the farm and we know sure, to him, it was home.
Rest in peace dear boy We never got to meet you but we all love you.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Published :
5:54 AM
Author :
healthy of body
Once again the Holiday season is upon us. Each year we try to remind families about the "Hazards Of Holidays and Hounds". Everyone is so busy during the holidays that sometimes we forget to watch our hounds. We feel it is important to remind you of this advice.
Bees - Fall is the time for the bees to do buzzing best or rather their worst. Use special caution with yellow jackets that swarm and nest in the ground. They can sting several times before dying and even one sting could be fatal if your hound has a sensitivity or reaction to the venom. Ask your vet regarding the proper dosage of benadryl or get a "bee sting kit" from your vet.
Fleas & ticks are looking for a warm winter haven at this time of year. Take extra care to use prevention on your hounds to prevent them from finding a home in their fur and especially in your home.
Turkey - That tempting morsel of turkey, left over on your plate, is best left on your plate! Turkey, turkey skin and gravy can cause extreme gastrointestinal problems for hounds. Onions have also been found to be toxic o some hounds so resist the temptation to share your holiday fare with your hound. Turkey bones are so numerous that one or two will hardly be missed UNTIL an emergency vet visit is needed. Be kind to your hound and yourself..."Leave IT" for the outside trash.
Chocolate can be a killer! There is an ingredient in chocolate (Theo bromine) that can cause severe illness and even death. Keep it locked up tight and in a safe place, far away from hound hunters. This ingredient can also be found in the red cocoa mulch that has become so popular in recent years.
There has not been a counter made that a hound cannot conquer. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security by placing items in the sink either. A hungry hound will manage some way to get to food in a sink if it’s determined enough.
In today's high tech world, decorations keep getting more sophisticated. Be aware that even battery or transistor operated lights can be hazardous to your hound. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but there have been hounds that came close to the same fate. Batteries have caustic acid inside of them and when chewed, can cause severe burns to the mouth and throat. Transistors can cause shocks which cold burn the mouth or throat, even short circuit the heart and circulatory system which can lead to death. These can lie in the stomach for long periods of time before they erode and begin to cause trouble.
Twinkle lights are beautiful on trees and shrubs, not all tangled up in long hound limbs and torsos. Keep cords out of hound pathways. Also, resist the temptation to hang those cutesy ornaments made out of dog biscuits or the clay look-a-like dog treats on your tree. Hang only your unbreakable bulbs on the lower half of the three. Better yet, hang no decorations at all on the bottom part. Some hounds have never seen a tree decoration before and may be tempted to taste them. Remember the words "LEAVE IT!"
Remember to quickly teach your hound that the inside tree does not need to be watered by the boys or it may be a long yellow holiday season for some of you.
Tinsel, Ribbons, and Foil wrapping papers are like candy to some hounds. They can cause serious problems if ingested, some of which may require surgery to remove from hound intestines. Place these items in the proper receptacles to eliminate the temptation to snack.
Poinsettias, Mistletoe, Holly Berries and Pine Cones are all toxic to your hounds. If you must have them in your home, place them high where your hound cannot reach them.
Holiday Parties are fun, but they may stress your hound with all the noise and commotion. Be sure your hound has a quiet place to go to if company gets to be too much for them (i.e., crate, bedroom with the door baby gated, not closed) until the party's over. Be sure all guests understand the importance of keeping outside doors and gates closed so your hound does not get out.
Snow and Ice - Of the two, ice is more dangerous to hounds. Some of our hounds have never seen snow or experienced ice and slippery sidewalks. Use extreme caution when dealing with these two elements and your hound.
Snow can be fun if limited to short exposures. Hounds do not have fat layers to provide insulation in the cold weather. If you are taking your hound out in the cold weather (below 50 degrees) for more than a few minutes, put a jacket, sweater or coat on your hound. Watch hound feet for frostbite and cuts from sharp ice.
Firewood & Snow -Take care not to pile firewood or shovel snow too close to a fence. This will make an easy escape route for a slick hound to get out of the yard. Be aware of snowdrifts also providing an escape ramp.
Snow Melt - Use caution when using heat producing chemicals to melt the snow and ice around your home. They can quickly burn hound feet and have them hopping as if their legs are broken. When in doubt about using any products, contact your vet for recommendations.
Fire, Fireplaces & Candles - We all love a roaring fire in the fireplace but fires and lit candles should never be left unattended, especially with a curious hound in the house. Hounds love warmth and in their attempt to get warm, may get to close and singe hair and body parts. Flying embers may also jump out and blister tender places. Overturned candles and hot candle wax can spell disaster.
Check firewood for spiders and wasps that have come to life after being brought into a warm home environment.
We at FFGR, Inc. want you and your hounds to have a safe Happy Holiday season. With a little thought and reviewing the above advice...We wish you a Happy Holiday and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!!
Bees - Fall is the time for the bees to do buzzing best or rather their worst. Use special caution with yellow jackets that swarm and nest in the ground. They can sting several times before dying and even one sting could be fatal if your hound has a sensitivity or reaction to the venom. Ask your vet regarding the proper dosage of benadryl or get a "bee sting kit" from your vet.
Fleas & ticks are looking for a warm winter haven at this time of year. Take extra care to use prevention on your hounds to prevent them from finding a home in their fur and especially in your home.
Turkey - That tempting morsel of turkey, left over on your plate, is best left on your plate! Turkey, turkey skin and gravy can cause extreme gastrointestinal problems for hounds. Onions have also been found to be toxic o some hounds so resist the temptation to share your holiday fare with your hound. Turkey bones are so numerous that one or two will hardly be missed UNTIL an emergency vet visit is needed. Be kind to your hound and yourself..."Leave IT" for the outside trash.
Chocolate can be a killer! There is an ingredient in chocolate (Theo bromine) that can cause severe illness and even death. Keep it locked up tight and in a safe place, far away from hound hunters. This ingredient can also be found in the red cocoa mulch that has become so popular in recent years.
There has not been a counter made that a hound cannot conquer. Do not be lulled into a false sense of security by placing items in the sink either. A hungry hound will manage some way to get to food in a sink if it’s determined enough.
In today's high tech world, decorations keep getting more sophisticated. Be aware that even battery or transistor operated lights can be hazardous to your hound. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but there have been hounds that came close to the same fate. Batteries have caustic acid inside of them and when chewed, can cause severe burns to the mouth and throat. Transistors can cause shocks which cold burn the mouth or throat, even short circuit the heart and circulatory system which can lead to death. These can lie in the stomach for long periods of time before they erode and begin to cause trouble.
Twinkle lights are beautiful on trees and shrubs, not all tangled up in long hound limbs and torsos. Keep cords out of hound pathways. Also, resist the temptation to hang those cutesy ornaments made out of dog biscuits or the clay look-a-like dog treats on your tree. Hang only your unbreakable bulbs on the lower half of the three. Better yet, hang no decorations at all on the bottom part. Some hounds have never seen a tree decoration before and may be tempted to taste them. Remember the words "LEAVE IT!"
Remember to quickly teach your hound that the inside tree does not need to be watered by the boys or it may be a long yellow holiday season for some of you.
Tinsel, Ribbons, and Foil wrapping papers are like candy to some hounds. They can cause serious problems if ingested, some of which may require surgery to remove from hound intestines. Place these items in the proper receptacles to eliminate the temptation to snack.
Poinsettias, Mistletoe, Holly Berries and Pine Cones are all toxic to your hounds. If you must have them in your home, place them high where your hound cannot reach them.
Holiday Parties are fun, but they may stress your hound with all the noise and commotion. Be sure your hound has a quiet place to go to if company gets to be too much for them (i.e., crate, bedroom with the door baby gated, not closed) until the party's over. Be sure all guests understand the importance of keeping outside doors and gates closed so your hound does not get out.
Snow and Ice - Of the two, ice is more dangerous to hounds. Some of our hounds have never seen snow or experienced ice and slippery sidewalks. Use extreme caution when dealing with these two elements and your hound.
Snow can be fun if limited to short exposures. Hounds do not have fat layers to provide insulation in the cold weather. If you are taking your hound out in the cold weather (below 50 degrees) for more than a few minutes, put a jacket, sweater or coat on your hound. Watch hound feet for frostbite and cuts from sharp ice.
Firewood & Snow -Take care not to pile firewood or shovel snow too close to a fence. This will make an easy escape route for a slick hound to get out of the yard. Be aware of snowdrifts also providing an escape ramp.
Snow Melt - Use caution when using heat producing chemicals to melt the snow and ice around your home. They can quickly burn hound feet and have them hopping as if their legs are broken. When in doubt about using any products, contact your vet for recommendations.
Fire, Fireplaces & Candles - We all love a roaring fire in the fireplace but fires and lit candles should never be left unattended, especially with a curious hound in the house. Hounds love warmth and in their attempt to get warm, may get to close and singe hair and body parts. Flying embers may also jump out and blister tender places. Overturned candles and hot candle wax can spell disaster.
Check firewood for spiders and wasps that have come to life after being brought into a warm home environment.
We at FFGR, Inc. want you and your hounds to have a safe Happy Holiday season. With a little thought and reviewing the above advice...We wish you a Happy Holiday and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Rainbow Bridge - Crankin Cleo (Chloe)
Published :
7:32 AM
Author :
healthy of body

October 30, 2003 - November 1, 2010
We got word from Vivian Ewell, who lives in Thurmont, that she lost her beloved Chloe. Chloe got sick a short time ago and Vivian took her to her vet. She did not feel that she had a diagnosis that she fell good about. They also told her that Chloe needed a dental. We advised her to go to another vet and Vivian took Chloe to the Waynesboro Veterinary Clinic, a vet who knows greyhounds in this area. Here's what Vivian wrote:
Dr Becker was great. We decided to go with medication for Chloes' teeth. As for the limp, she xrayed her hip and thought it was hip dysplasia. I took her back about two weeks later, she was losing weight and still limping off and on. Dr. Becker took a chest xray because she felt Chloe was not breathing right and she heard something. The xray showed many tumors, either cancer or histoplasmia? She decided to send away bloodwork and they called on Sunday. It was not the histo problem and it seemed clear that they were waiting for me to accept the lung cancer. In the meantime Chloe only ate a little baked chicken, a few drops of food, or peanut butter filled Kong. I could see her melting away before my eyes. Her breathing became labored or noisy at times. After talking again to Dr. Becker on Monday, I decided to try to keep Chloe thru the week but within the hour it was obvious that Chloe was only waiting on me to do the right thing. I called the vet and they put her to sleep in the afternoon. I wish there had been more help for Chloe but she is now running her own race and enjoying the wind blowing over her skin. Thanks for all your help and the opportunity to adopt Chloe, Vivian.
Vivian adopted Chloe in February of 2009. Chloe died two days after her seventh birthday. I know that Chloe had a great home.
Rest in peace beautiful girl.
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- Rainbow Bridge - Tyville Moondog (Magic)
- Top 5 Fall-Winter 2010-2011 Nail Colors
- Holiday Reminder - Open Door Training
- Rainbow Bridge - FTK Trouble (Trouble)
- Rainbow Bridge - R Raisinaruckus (Washington)
- Rainbow Bridge - Crankin Cleo (Chloe)
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- Tips and tricks (7)
- Toenails (3)
- Too much TV linked with heart attack and death risk (1)
- travel (1)
- twitter (1)
- vegetables (2)
- Want a healthy diet (1)
- water (1)