Sunday, January 17, 2010

FFGR, Inc. Forum

If you are an FFGR, Inc. adopter and/or volunteer, you are invited to join our private forum. You will be able to communicate with other adopters and members of our group; stay informed about what is happening in the world of greyhounds; read articles about greyhounds; see videos and photographs that other adopters post; share stories about your greyhound; ask for advice; celebrate special moments with others about your hound; volunteer for special events and projects; and, feel like a part of a family!

If you are interested in becoming a member, please log on to our forum and register by creating a username and password. You must identify yourself in a way that we will know that you are an adopter/volunteer, etc. You can use your hound's name or any other information that helps us know who you are. After you join, you will be anonymous (unless you want to be identified). Once you register, you will be approved for membership.

Then you can bookmark the forum link and sign in to check the posts. The forum is easy to use. It is exactly like other greyhound forums. We hope that you will join us!

To get to our Forum link, just click on the title of this post!!!!


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